All-in-one Setting Center
Office Tab features a powerful Setting Center; you can configure all
Office Tab settinigs. Such as: To Enable / Disable the tab separately,
use the shortcuts or not, dispaly the tab bar to the top / below / left /
right position, choose the tab style and customize the tab colors, all
settings can be done in Office Tab Center.
Useful Context Menu
Right-click on a tab or tab bar to accesses the Tab/tab bar context
menu. Office Tab also combines some common command items of Office, that
let you access those items more quickly.
Create New Document
You can quickly create new document by double-clicking the left button
in the blank space of the tab ba, or choose to use the "New" command
item on the context menu.
Customize Tab Appearance
Tabbed document interface lets you open multiple documents in a single
window. Each document appears as a new tab in a tabbed window (not a new
window) and can be accessed in one click.
Plenty of Shortcuts
Office Tab supports plenty of built in as well as user-defined shortcuts
to handle the tabs, hide/display the Tab bar, switch between tabs, to
select specific tabs. You can easily customize the shortcuts.
Show / Hide the Tab Bar
You can
- put the tab bar on the top, bottom, right or left side of the workspace.
- hide the tab bar when there is only one tab.
- show and hide the tab bar by a customizable shortcut key (the default shortcut key is “Win + Q”).
Customize Tab Length
The tab length can be set to automatic, self-adaptive or fixed (the
default length is “automatic”). Automatic: This shows the document name
in a tab as completely as possible. Self-adaptive: The words can be
shown completely on a tab if there is enough space. Fixed: All the tabs
are fixed at the same length.
License: Free.
Compatibility: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Citrix System and Windows Terminal (Remote Desktop) Server.
Works with Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010.
Download Link.
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