Sunday, November 20, 2011

Digital Image Tool - Batch Process Images Quickly


Batch Image Resize 

Either scale or apply max width or height settings, images are never scewed or scaled over 100%.

Batch Image Rotation
Apply individual rotation or apply a particular rotation to all images.

Batch Image Watermark
Use built in or custom watermark using image of your choosing. Control watermark transparency as well as positioning, you can also tile as well. Use PNG's files which include their own transparency for best results.

Batch Image Tagging
Custom tag images with text in lower right corner with date, filename and or custome text, also you can control the transparency.

Batch Image Rename
Rename multiple image files with ease. Includes search and replace, suffix/prefix text, numbering and replacing blank spaces with a lowerdash.

Batch Image Cropping
Apply batch crop to images based on percentages. Automatically detect any images that may have been rotated and adjust crop accordingly.

License: Free.

Compatibility: Win (All).

Download Link.


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