Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interactive Calendar - A Great Looking Desktop Calendar and Planner

Interactive Calendar software is a powerful and great-looking desktop calendar and planner capable of bringing some order to your business and personal life.

The calendar is completely interactive and extremely intuitive – double-clicking any of its cells will bring up a new task creation window or a task management window if there are any tasks already scheduled on that day. Each task has a number of key properties, including a start and an end date, can be marked as an all-day or completed event and supplied with a description.

The built-in text editor used for editing task descriptions supports spell-checking and RTF formatting. This allows you to paste special characters, images, tables and links to local and web resources into your descriptions and do a whole lot more to create well-structured documents that are easy to read.

If necessary, you can search your tasks, as well as import (from CSV and the program’s own format) and export them (to CSV, XML and the program’s own database format) for further processing.

License: Free.

Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7.

Download Link.


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