Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Create a Virtual Drive for Your Desired Folder in My Computer

If you frequently use a folder named “Wallpapers” which is situated in E:\Data\Gallery\Wallpapers”, then you can create a virtual drive say “H:” in My Computer which will goto this folder directly whenever you’ll double click on it or access it from RUN or Command Prompt. It’ll save a lot of time.

Here is how to do it:

1. Open Command Prompt and provide following command:

subst drive_letter:folder_path

for example, if you want to create a virtual drive letter H: for a folder “E:\Wallpapers”, then use following command:

subst H: E:\Wallpapers

2. It’ll immediately create a virtual drive H: which will represent the “Wallpapers” folder.

3. Now you can directly go to “E:\Wallpapers” folder upon double-click.

4. If you want to delete this virtual drive, then provide following command:

subst drive_letter: /D

for example, we created H: drive in Step1, so our command to delete this virtual drive would be:

subst H: /D


A. Remember! You can’t use existing drive letters for creating virtual drives, e.g. if you have 2 partitions C: and D:, then you can’t use them for subst command.

B. You should not use chkdsk, diskcomp, diskcopy, format, label and recover commands on virtual drives created using subst command as these virtual drives are not real and these commands either will not work or can cause problems for the actual drives where the folders reside.


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